Tailoring your communications to your audience and using the appropriate terminology enhances engagement with, and support for NbS acceptance.
4 M
Employing creative ways to engage vulnerable groups and keeping regular contact with them, in case of the impossibility of organising in-person meetings.
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Fostering a deeper engagement of the community by setting up wide-reaching communications, and raising awareness actions.
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Promoting co-ownership by creating and maintaining a core group of stakeholders (e.g. Urban Innovation Partnership-UIP) and proposing participative activities (neighbourhood events), to pursue the success of the implementation process. Making it flexible (involvement of right members at a given time) contributes to its proper functionning.
4 M
Involving key community-stakeholders at early stages in the all phases of the co-creation process (NbS planning, co-design, co-monitoring, co-implementation, co-maintenance...), so that they are aware of the benefits and assume responsibility.
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Using diverse engagement techniques, considering both online and face-to-face possibilities, may ensures the right level of engagement.
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Involving scientific/technical experts during the entire process of monitoring (establishing the vision, defining KPIs, measuring the pregreening, designing the questionnaire, guiding the post-greening methods, support the analysis of results, and reporting).
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Involving different departments of the municipality at the early-stages of the process, so that they are aware of the activities, objectives, needed contributions, fostering an active collaboration.
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Involving a professional expert experienced in co-design to jointly work with the city, proposing training sessions in terms of method and tools.
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Upskilling and building knowledge on co-creation processes within the cities administration team, aiming to embed these processes in future projects and programmes.
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Using digital tools and scenario-creation at early stages of the project conception to support the co-ideation and co-design processes.
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Being precise about the definition of co-design and being clear about the specific requirements (to the project/institution) in a procurement to find a multi-disciplinary team.
4 M