Defining social and well-being indicators at early stages of the project design (e.g., through surveys) enables an assessment of the potential impact of NbS for urban regeneneration.
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Employing creative ways to engage vulnerable groups and keeping regular contact with them, in case of the impossibility of organising in-person meetings.
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Using diverse engagement techniques, considering both online and face-to-face possibilities, may ensures the right level of engagement.
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Considering micro-funding as a means of changing social power structures, acting as a catalyst of change and overcoming apathy through immediate and visual impacts.
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Upskilling and building knowledge on co-creation processes within the cities administration team, aiming to embed these processes in future projects and programmes.
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Regularly assessing the relevance and applicability of the training modules, co-design activities and outreach, making the results more effective.
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Developing comprehensive products that support replication, such as physical manuals and guidelines to support the community, specific platforms with easily accessible information, etc.
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Identifying the innovation pathways for NbS during a project and understanding how innovative solutions could be replicated. Conducting a regular self-assessment can help to determine if improvements can be made on materials, methods, management and monitoring.
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